Episode 12: Bunny Poop Patrol, Poop Worms, Eye Poop, Toxic Plants, Hay Stuck in Eyeball

Hello Everyone! Today, we're talking about some of the less glamorous duties of being a bunmom. I share unique stories about our experience with our bunnies' poops. Yes, perhaps listen to this when you're not sitting for a meal. These are some behind-the-IG stories including the time Roo had pinworms, when she ate a piece of our toxic houseplant, we talk about our bunnies' eye poops and what happens to said eye poops when they have a bonded partner, and we share about a very interesting and remarkable story about the times when there was a piece of hay stuck in our bunnies' eyes. We hope you'll enjoy this one! 

IG: instagram.com/thebunmomlife

Website: thebunmomlife.com

Email: thebunmomlife@gmail.com


Episode 13: Brushing, Grooming (Fur Everywhere!), Nail Trims, House Cleaning, Tumblefluffs


Episode 11: Roo Hitting Puberty & Her Spay Procedure